
Regular Contributors

We are a small team of young people with a passion to have our voices heard. Whether it be social issues that deserve the spotlight, environmental issues where our voices can make a difference, or just musings through pen and brush, we strive to make a difference. This creative expression we believe has been entrusted to us by God so that we can be the salt and light of the world.

Hepzhi Mars

Hephzi is a twenty-something year old, who knows that life can be hard sometimes, or maybe even most times and so she loves to encourage others in their walk with God. She is an Optometrist by profession and a Writer by passion. In the words of C.S.Lewis, “there is not a cup of tea (chai) large enough or a book long enough to suit her.”

Jim Elliot Gergan

Jim is a missionary kid who grew up near the Himalayas. Biking, wander lusting, traveling, music-loving, blogging, and vlogging, he loves the job he does. He is an ambivert, who loves theater and Biryani. He has lived everywhere, although he resides in Bangalore now, nothing makes him happier than being back in Himachal Pradesh, with its luscious mountains, gushing cold rivers and especially his loved ones.

Aahan Ghai

Aahan is a Civil Engineer who lives in the snowy hills of Manali. He enjoys playing the guitar, singing and is passionate about photography and travelling. He believes that God has a plan for everyone and all we need to do is trust him, live life and enjoy it fully.

Sanjana Kapoor

She is a social entrepreneur, an author, and a marketing professional. Over the years she has learned to balance her professional aspirations with her passion for writing. She founded a not-for-profit organization called Praise Foundation, She is also a published author, and her first Sci-fi Novel is called ‘The Windsorn Prince: The Journey Begins.’

Abhishika Davidson

A sure introvert she can be found discussing global matters, fiction, non-fiction, and everything else with dogs. However, she can occasionally be lured into a video game or a long conversation. She aspires to see good in others and anything that shimmers surely goes into her cart. Passionate about singing, she hopes to make music on a bigger platform someday.

Nathaniel Fredrick

Nathaniel says that everyone compliments his writing except himself. In actual fact he stammers with the art! He dances to his own tune on the guitar and piano and has always given Basketball and Football a shot. He considers himself a ‘Jack of all trades and master of none.’ But don’t write him off just yet cause He’s still working on him.

Aaron Richy

Aaron Richy is a full-time thinker and a part-time writer. He deep dives into everyday life, to find nuggets worth keeping and sharing with others. Discussions on faith and life excite him, especially when they are combined with long walks or good coffee. He occasionally writes poetry and hopes to be a good songwriter one day. Maybe you’re seeking answers, consider engaging with him.

Sagina Jenefa

Sagina is pursuing her Bachelors in English Literature. She loves writing and reading and often challenges herself to new genres. She is also passionate about music and often plays around with her Ukulele. During her free time, she loves to cook and sew. She is often unsure of what the future holds but she is super excited to be on board with God through it all.

Hannah Priya

Hannah in one word is a ‘wallflower’, the quiet girl with a bit of social awkwardness. In a boisterous world, she can be found quietly snuggled up in her corner doodling, reading a book or working on her calligraphy, while singing in her head. She is perfect to go on long walks with and hold conversations about God and life’s quirkiness.

Sarah Melita

Is a budding doctor who also loves calligraphy and writing. She likes to influence others with her talents and skills and believes in the supreme plan of God on her life. She believes that all people are created equal and each of us have a destiny and purpose for which we were created.

Simi Sara

Lover of books, food, and God, in the reverse order. Likes to mingle with people from all over the world, and specializes in waiting, be it for the metro, or for ‘The One.’ Always ready to listen, and would love to hear you if you have a story to tell.

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