
Theme this month

We are talking about KARMA

Karma is it real?

Karma is it Real? My friend’s Facebook profile read “Karma has no deadline.” She had just gone through a nasty breakup and I knew that it was aimed directly at her ex-boyfriend. Her Facebook profile got me thinking about my own belief systems concerning Karma, and I wondered what it was that I believed regarding…

The Oscars which weren’t funny

The Oscars which weren’t funny 4 things to learn from Will Smith and Chris Rock’s altercation Two comedians on a stage for once did not send everyone into splits of laughter. As the legendary Will Smith walked up to Chris Rock and slapped him across the face the crowd watched in stunned silence. While Chris…

Anxious About War?

3 ways to cope with the anxiety about tomorrow I woke up disturbed and in a cold sweat. My dreams were riddled with images from the news as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine heats up. It didn’t help either that a young Indian medical student had just been shot in Ukraine -the bullet had…